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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Service agreement and conditions

Please read all the contents of this Agreement carefully before accepting this agreement, and fully understand the terms, especially the restrictions or disclaimers. We may modify this agreement from time to time. After the content changes, we will make public announcement on the website without notice. If you continue to use the change, you agree to accept the terms and conditions of the modification. Otherwise, please stop using our services immediately. If you have any questions about this agreement, please contact relevant business department of EXOI for timely communication and inquiry. For those who wish to use our services, you must read and accept the relevant terms and conditions of this agreement in detail, otherwise you will not be entitled to use our services. If you are under 14, you must let your parents or guardians know our privacy policy before you register for use of the service. If you do not agree to any changes to this agreement, you must stop using our services. To use the services or functions we provide you, you need to register. One day you choose "read and agree" to complete the registration process, or you use the service in any other way, it is deemed that you have read and agreed to all the terms, conditions and agreements set forth in this service agreement. If you have any violation of this agreement, EXOI has the right to unilaterally take measures such as limiting, suspending or terminating the services to you at any time according to your breach, and shall have the right to hold you responsible. 


This service agreement refers to the effective contract between you and EXOI TECHNOLOGY CORP ("EXOI" or "we") for the use of EXOI website services (including website page information browsing, account registration service, EXOI app client, etc.). EXOI intelligent platform provides you with intelligent device management services. You can connect intelligent devices to EXOI cloud platform to realize remote control of intelligent devices, device linkage, device status analysis, third-party service support, etc. EXOI intelligent platform services include these functional services, which may need to be optimized and modified according to the changes of users' needs or our own needs, or temporarily stop providing services due to regular or irregular upgrade and maintenance.

Scope of services

EXOI intelligent platform service gives you the right to use this product.

You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, execute, publish, license for commercial purposes, create derivatives, transfer or sell any content, software, and services contained in our services. You can only use the service and software provided by us on the system platform and terminal authorized by EXOI; if you use it on the terminal not authorized by EXOI, it may cause functional defects to your hardware or software functions.

We may upgrade or transfer the related software and functions provided by the service, or add new functions or services. If there is no independent service agreement for the new function or service, you can still obtain relevant authorization, which is applicable to this agreement.

When registering before using this service, you should be a natural person, legal person or other organization with full capacity for civil rights and full capacity for civil conduct as stipulated by the laws of the people's Republic of China. You need to provide true, accurate, up-to-date, complete and legal information in all aspects. You will be responsible for the information you fill in and take good care of your data. You should bear all the risks for the loss, damage, password leakage and other basic human security of such information.

If you are a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, you are not qualified for registration. You and your guardian shall bear all the consequences caused by your improper registration in accordance with the law.

When using this service, you should keep your account and password properly. If you find that your account has security risks, you should inform us in time, and you can email We will try our best to assist you in taking relevant remedial measures to feedback your relevant demands; if personal information about children users is disclosed, the legal guardian of the child user shall contact our customer service after discovering, and inform your legal guardian of the customer service contact with us after the child user finds out. We do not guarantee that our service will not have any security problems or errors. Any loss caused by any behavior under your account like this shall be borne by you.

Your EXOI cloud account (all or part of permissions or functions) may be frozen under the following circumstances (e.g. EXOI cloud account is restricted to transfer out function, etc.). EXOI cloud will inform you by email, on-site letter, SMS or telephone, etc

1Based on the need of EXOI cloud's website or service operation security, if you damage or attempt to damage the fair environment or normal order of EXOI cloud or EXOI cloud's affiliated companies, or use the name and brand of EXOI cloud or EXOI cloud's affiliated companies and mislead others, or use some Chinese and English (full name or abbreviation), number, domain name, etc. to express your intention or intention The mapping has some connection with EXOI cloud or its affiliated companies.

2Violation of the terms of service, EXOI cloud website related rules, specifications (such as transaction rules, management specifications), service description and other service agreements / terms.

3Violating the provisions of state laws, regulations, policies and legal documents.

4You are complained by others, and the other party has provided relevant evidence, but you do not provide contrary evidence according to our requirements.

5EXOI cloud judges that your account operation is abnormal according to reasonable analysis.

6The state has the power to request freezing.

7EXOI cloud reasonably judges that you have other situations with the same nature as the above behaviors or similar risks.',

9. Cancellation of accounts

1In case of Article 8. And the situation is serious, or due to the requirements of the competent authorities of the state, your EXOI cloud account (all or part of the authority or function) will be cancelled, and EXOI cloud will inform you by email, on-site letter, SMS or telephone.

2You understand and agree that if you have not logged in to EXOI cloud website through your account for 6 consecutive months, and there is no unexpired service under your account, EXOI cloud has the right to cancel your account, and you will no longer be able to log in to EXOI cloud website.

10.Account complaint

In case of freezing or cancellation of the above-mentioned account, you should pay attention to it in time and follow-up operations such as appeal according to the procedure

If you apply to EXOI cloud for lifting the above freezing or cancellation through the appeal procedure, for the security of your account, you should cooperate to provide truthfully your identity card and relevant information, as well as other information or documents required by EXOI cloud, so that EXOI cloud can verify.

You should fully understand that your complaint is not necessarily allowed, and EXOI cloud has the right to decide whether to agree with your claim.

You understand and agree that EXOI cloud has the right to freeze such accounts for a long time and restrict part or all of the functions of the accounts for a long time if you refuse to provide your ID card and relevant information truthfully or fail to pass the audit of EXOI cloud.

11. For our services to provide some third-party service support, is to provide you with better service. We have obtained legal authorization from these service providers to support these third-party services.

12. When using some third-party services, we may need to submit some of your information, such as logo image, service name and so on. We only provide relevant access points. We have no control over the legality of the intellectual property rights of these information and will not be responsible for any information you may submit.

13. We can't guarantee the validity of the software provided by the third-party software service currently used in the service, or we may add some software provided by the third-party service.

Use service specification

You are responsible for the risks of the activities in the use of our services. We reserve the right to refuse you access to part or all of our services at any time without notice. If we decide at our sole discretion that you are engaged in prohibited activities, do not respect other users or otherwise violate this agreement, we may refuse you to temporarily or permanently access our services and any decision will be final. If any of your activities in violation of this agreement causes all losses suffered by EXOI or any loss caused by other third party users, you shall compensate EXOI or third party users for the losses and any expenses incurred thereby, and EXOI shall have the right to apply for compensation from you. The following are, but not limited to, violations of this Agreement:

Without authorization, collect the information and data of other users or try to access the communication data of this service.

Deliberately make and spread computer virus and other destructive programs to attack the system software architecture and communication network used in this service, causing damage to the computer system level communication network.',

Use our services through automation tools or writing automation code, interfere with or damage our servers and network links, and increase the load of servers maliciously.

Without authorization, interfere with and destroy the use of other users who use our services.

Uploading or sharing information containing but not limited to any of the following illegal contents: opposing the basic principles established by the constitution; spreading rumors, slander or publishing other harmful information, inciting subversion of state power, inciting secession and undermining national unity; stealing or divulging state secrets, intelligence or military secrets; inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination and undermining ethnic groups They are: organizing cult organizations, contacting cult members, destroying the implementation of national laws and administrative regulations; infringing other people's intellectual products; disseminating pornographic films, audio-visual images and pictures, providing pornographic website link services; illegally intercepting, tampering with or deleting other people's e-mails or other data; containing any information with legal effect specified in applicable network security laws and regulations Other contents restricted or prohibited by the code.

Privacy policy and data

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. We have formulated the privacy statement of EXOI, which makes important disclosure on personal data related services, collection of personal data, use and processing of personal data, sharing, storage and protection of personal data. Therefore, we suggest that you read EXOI's privacy statement in detail.

Scope and limitation of liability

You understand and agree that EXOI will not be liable to you for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use of this service, breach of this service agreement or any action taken under your account, direct or indirect losses caused by a third party using our service, suspension of service due to our upgrade maintenance, unilateral suspension or termination of service due to our reasons or other reasons What is the responsibility.

We try our best to verify the accuracy of any information we have, but it does not guarantee any warranties, express or implied, relating to its accuracy. We cannot guarantee any information including but not limited to non infringement, compatibility, security, integrity, etc.

We may inform you of the service progress by e-mail and prompt the user for further operation, but we do not guarantee that the user can receive or receive the e-mail in time, and we will not bear any consequences for this. Therefore, EXOI will not be responsible for any dispute or loss caused by your failure to confirm the status change of relevant services or submit relevant service application in time.

You understand and agree that, except for death and personal injury caused by our negligence, we will not be liable for any economic loss, indirect or consequential loss in connection with the contract, tort, contract, loss arising from or related to any matter under this agreement, and direct or indirect loss caused by force majeure or third party.

Any other software derived from the licensed software that is not authorized and officially released by EXOI is illegal. Downloading, installing and using such software may lead to uncertain risks, and the resulting legal liabilities and disputes will have nothing to do with EXOI. We have the right to suspend and terminate all services we provide.

System interruption or failure

EXOI intelligent platform will not be liable for damages if the system fails to operate normally due to the following conditions, including but not limited to:

1EXOI intelligent platform in the system maintenance period.

2Due to network operator equipment failure, data transmission can not be carried out.

3Due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, power failure, war, terrorist attacks and other force majeure factors, the company's system is obstructed from providing normal services.

4Service interruption or delay caused by hacker attack, technical adjustment or failure of local operator, platform upgrade, etc.

The quality and content of the service provided by the cooperative unit of this service shall be the responsibility of the cooperative unit itself.

If permitted by law, EXOI intelligent platform shall not be responsible for any indirect, punitive, special, derivative losses (including business losses, use data or other economic benefits) related to or caused by this agreement, whether caused by any breach of contract (including breach of warranty) or infringement Be liable for any loss even if the possibility of such loss has been informed in advance. In addition, even if the exclusive remedy provided in this agreement fails to achieve its basic purpose, EXOI intelligence shall be excluded from the liability for the above losses.

You understand and agree that the services provided by EXOI intelligent platform are provided in accordance with the existing technology and conditions. Although EXOI takes various security measures, communication services and other measures, there may be unstable factors in all links involved in the system platform, no matter which link (including but not limited to natural disasters, virus attacks, network failures, hard disk attacks, etc.) You must bear the risk that one party of the agreement can not use the service reasonably and normally. EXOI shall not be liable to you for such risks.

You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, you may encounter risk factors such as force majeure, which may cause the interruption of this service. In case of the above situation, EXOI will try to cooperate with relevant units or users at the first time to repair in time, but EXOI will be exempted from liability for the losses caused to you.

11.You understand and agree that there is no joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship between you and EXOI; you agree that you will not regard yourself as the representative, agent or employee of EXOI, and we will not be liable for any description, act or negligence of you.

Termination of agreement and liability for breach of contract

You understand and agree that the use of the services we provide must be in accordance with the intellectual property rights of the software, the performance of obligations in accordance with the agreement, and the use of the services in accordance with the specifications. If you are found to be in serious breach of this agreement, we will have the right to terminate the provision of the services.

Upon termination of this license, you must immediately stop using the licensed software under this Agreement and destroy all copies.

For the licensed software provided in our service, you need to abide by the rules of relevant download platform, intelligent terminal manufacturer and system platform. If one of them confirms that you have violated the agreement, EXOI may suspend or terminate your software license due to their requirements.

If you violate this agreement or other agreements signed with EXOI, we will have the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate some or all of your service rights.

If you violate the terms and regulations of this Agreement and cause losses to EXOI or other users, you must bear all legal and compensation liabilities.

Dispute resolution

The validity, interpretation, alteration, execution and dispute resolution of this License Agreement shall be applicable to the laws of the people's Republic of China.

If any provision of this agreement is invalid or unable to be performed, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not affect other provisions. After determining that any terms or regulations are invalid, illegal or unenforceable, both parties shall, through friendly negotiation, delete or modify the invalid or illegal terms, so as to achieve the purpose of the original service agreement of both parties in an acceptable way.

This agreement is signed in 401 Ryland St Ste 200-A, Reno, NV 89502-1643, USA. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be under the jurisdiction of the Court, where this agreement is performed.

Renewal of the agreement

EXOI has the right to change the content of this service agreement and the corresponding service rules, and announce or notify by means of webpage announcement and e-mail light. If you continue to use this service after the change of this service agreement, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the modified content, and you will also follow the modified content.